Does anyone know how to create a multi year income statement in Sage Intelligence? or Sage 100 financial reports
You may want to check YouTube for their Sage Intelligence channel - lots of good videos there. I assume you're talking about more than just this year and last year (which can be done with Sage Financial Reports).
It's very easy to do with SI. Once you've created the first column, which has the year as part of the formula, you would copy to a 2nd column and do a mass replace on the year and replace with year - 1.
I will try that. Also I did not see the date in the formula (=CONCATENATE(TEXT(B2*29,"mmm")," ", RIGHT(B1,2)) It does grab the year and period cell though. I did highlight and grab column and paste into second column but it did not fix the numbers they are all the same as the previous column. I can change the year by adding the -1 but I have alot of line items on my Income statement with subtotals so I cannot drag the formula down because of that reason.
I'm talking about the GLActual, GLActualYTD formulas, which have the year in them
ok I gotcha
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