Error #26: Variable type invalid when trying to post invoice


We've been trying to troubleshoot this for 2 days now and were informed that Error #26 is Scanco related but from multiple forum posts here, I'm seeing that it is not necessarily related to Scanco. 

Our accounting team is getting the message: 

Error #26: Variable type invalid


Statement: 4531

Class: SO_SalesJournal_upd

Method: UdpateInvoice

At a total loss for where to look for this issue. We have successfully posted invoices this week, and these 4 invoices are all credit cards but we have successfully posted a credit card one so it seems to not be specific to that payment type.

  • 0

    I'd like to share an update that I found just in the time this was being reviewed/moderated:

    The 158 code does in fact point to Scanco/JobOps related stuff. Not sure if anyone knows how to make sense of the error log info below or is familiar with Scanco/JobOps integration into Sage 100 2023:

    Stack (Stack level start at 1)
    Stack Line Program
    00014 04531 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_158SALESJOURNAL_UPD.pvc
    00013 04238 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_158SALESJOURNAL_UPD.pvc
    00012 01193 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_568APSSALESJOURNAL_UPD.pvc
    00011 00283 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SY\SY_Update.pvc
    00010 00437 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SY\SY_UpdateUI.pvc
    00009 00283 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SY\SY_UpdateUI.pvc
    00008 00167 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_SALESJOURNAL_UI.pvc
    00007 00036 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_158SALESJOURNAL_UI.pvc
    00006 00040 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SO\SO_568APSSALESJOURNAL_UI.pvc
    00005 00040 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\Home\lib\_winproc.xeq
    00004 07120 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\Home\lib\_winproc
    00003 00550 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\Home\lib\_nomads.pvc
    00002 01794 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\SY\SY_CommonUI.pvc
    00001 00356 D:\Sage\Sage100_v2023\MAS90\soa\SY_Startup.M4P

  • 0 in reply to Jillian Gonchar

    As I mentioned 158 should be BDO Seidman but it is possible that Scanco merged with them at some point. The program stack also shows  568 which would be an enhancement from APS Payments. 

    As there are multiple enhancements on the Sales Journal update process it could be that they have a small conflict with each other causing the error.  The error message does show SO_158SalesJournal_UPD as reporting the error so you should work with your reseller and/or whoever provided that enhancement first (BDO or Scanco).



  • 0 in reply to Kent Mackall

    APS turned into Repay, and I understand there was a recent issue with Repay.  You might want to check with Repay support to see if they can help.

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