• Bank Reconciliation Missing Transactions

    Hello, I posted two checks directly to GL using AR Cash Receipts Entry, as I normally would for payments of this type, but they are not showing up in Bank Reconciliation. I've confirmed that they are showing in the GL and that I posted them to the correct…
  • Bank feed does not work with Bank Reconciliation

    We have started using Bank Feed to get bank transactions into Bank Rec to clear items. When we download the Bank Feed it imports all transactions not previously downloaded. When we want to do the Bank rec for a month (October) we don't start until the…
  • Bank Reconciliation - Beginning Balance Changed from Ending Balance of Previous Month

    Hello everyone, I am trying to reconcile one of our accounts in Sage 100 and when I am in the Reconcile Bank feature, it shows that there is zero difference, but when I printed the report it said that I was off. I have identified that it was the beginning…
  • Bank Reconciliation Issue - Balanced (when done) and then Not Balanced (when reviewed later)

    I am looking at a company that has provided me with a bank reconciliation that worked (0.00 out of balance) when prepared in early Feb-22 (for year-end) 12/31/21 - however, when I review the bank reconciliation today (late Mar-22) and compare it to the…
  • Bank Feeds and IE11

    With Microsoft ending support for Internet Explorer 11 in June 2022, and IE11 being required to use Bank Feeds in Sage 100, is there a plan or workaround to use Edge or another alternative? Clients will not want to have to have IE11 installed post end…
  • Bank Reconciliation/Auto Check Reconciliation

    Hi We are looking into switching banks from Wells Fargo to a smaller institution that is aligned with our values. The bank we are looking at does not provide custom designed files for use with Sage 100's Auto Check Reconciliation. Can someone tell…
  • Reconcile Bank Out of Balance By Field - Huge Amount!

    Hi there. My company almost exclusively only uses the payroll module, but we use the bank reconciliation report to keep track of cleared checks. I print off a report of uncleared checks, the accountant lets me know which have cleared, then I manually…
  • Sage Bank Feeds - Information on it's use.

    Anyone been successfully using this or found any good information about it? I've been wanting to understand it better before unleashing it on my clients but partner unlocking keys don't seem to be able to access it so I haven't been able to experiment…
  • Bank Reconciliation "cleared" checks field not working.

    Just upgraded to Sage 2017 version and BR is slooowww. Several checks can't be cleared while others can. When I click "Accept" after choosing the checks again in question, BR will not close or update data. Checks continue to be uncleared. Anyone have…
  • Bank Rec - Yikes! What did I do?

    I entered a Bank Rec adjustment for Merchant Fees relating to our credit card processing. The fees were deducted on the first for a particular amount. I entered the accrual as a reversing entry to accrue since they relate to the previous month. Then in…
  • Bank reconciliation out of balance

    Good morning! I am currently trying to get caught up on some bank recs and have run into an out of balance that I'm not sure how to fix. I have gone through the bank rec module and clicked all of the checks that cleared, all of the deposits, and all of…