Item renumbering running crazy slow

We have 370 items to renumber that have history. They are taking 6 minutes each.
We are using Premium version of Sage 100 so we are looking for a faster solution.
Isn't there a SQL based option for this?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Steve Limer

    The Sage 100 programming for the renumbering is the same for all versions (including Premium), where the programming goes through the data line by line.

    I've considered writing custom SQL for renumbering projects in the past, but there are some brutal technical hurdles that scared me away after looking at what would be required.  The absolute last thing I'd want to do is corrupt the client data, and editing key fields is not something to be taken casually. 

    My advice: use the Sage utility, running in batches (like StefanouM suggests).

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