Search by entire Item Description Including Extended Description


Has anyone come up with a way to search the entire Item Description including Extended Description, if available in Item Lookup?  Typing the search criteria in the Item ID will search the entire description but it only displays 10 items at a time.  We want to be able to browse up and down through the entire list that meets the search criteria like you can in a normal item lookup screen.

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    This is technically possible through a few customizations within Sage 100, although depending on your purpose it might be a tad clunky, but see what you think.

    First of all, I just wanted you to know that the "Auto-complete" drop down of 10 items, actually does search the item extended description, among other fields.  The Item Autocomplete searches the following fields: ItemCode, ItemType, ItemCodeDesc, ProductLine, all Units of Measure, Primary Vendor, and ExtendedDescriptionText.   However, as you stated, it only shows 10 at a time, and a limited length of the match.

    You can ADD extended description text to the item lookup (at least in Item Maintenance - I'll look at the others), by doing the following steps:

    1) Click on the lookup

    2) At the bottom left of the lookup window there is a "Lookup Wizard..." button (you may need special permissions for this)

    3) Click the "New" button to customize the lookup.

    4) Next window select what companies and users you want to use this lookup (for testing purposes you may want to limit it to yourself at first)

    5) On the next screen you can add fields to the lookup.  On the Available fields side you'll see the ExtendedDescriptionKey field, but that's not what we want, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you'll find related tables, one of which is CI_ExtendedDescription.  If you expand that you can then add the ExtendedDescriptionText field to your lookup.

    6) Click Finish

    Now, when you click on the lookup, you'll notice that the extended description text is the last field (if you didn't move it)

    In the Search drop down box if you go to the bottom, there is a *FULL TEXT* option, if you select this, it will then do partial word search on any values in the lookup itself.

    If you then type in a matching word it will find that in any of the fields.

    Unfortunately, there is no way currently to default the Search to *FULL TEXT* but I will look into that.

    P.S. It's worth noting that this builds a searchable index on the fly and uses the same logic as the auto-complete.  If there are a lot of item codes, this could take a bit of time.

    Hope that makes sense


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    This is technically possible through a few customizations within Sage 100, although depending on your purpose it might be a tad clunky, but see what you think.

    First of all, I just wanted you to know that the "Auto-complete" drop down of 10 items, actually does search the item extended description, among other fields.  The Item Autocomplete searches the following fields: ItemCode, ItemType, ItemCodeDesc, ProductLine, all Units of Measure, Primary Vendor, and ExtendedDescriptionText.   However, as you stated, it only shows 10 at a time, and a limited length of the match.

    You can ADD extended description text to the item lookup (at least in Item Maintenance - I'll look at the others), by doing the following steps:

    1) Click on the lookup

    2) At the bottom left of the lookup window there is a "Lookup Wizard..." button (you may need special permissions for this)

    3) Click the "New" button to customize the lookup.

    4) Next window select what companies and users you want to use this lookup (for testing purposes you may want to limit it to yourself at first)

    5) On the next screen you can add fields to the lookup.  On the Available fields side you'll see the ExtendedDescriptionKey field, but that's not what we want, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you'll find related tables, one of which is CI_ExtendedDescription.  If you expand that you can then add the ExtendedDescriptionText field to your lookup.

    6) Click Finish

    Now, when you click on the lookup, you'll notice that the extended description text is the last field (if you didn't move it)

    In the Search drop down box if you go to the bottom, there is a *FULL TEXT* option, if you select this, it will then do partial word search on any values in the lookup itself.

    If you then type in a matching word it will find that in any of the fields.

    Unfortunately, there is no way currently to default the Search to *FULL TEXT* but I will look into that.

    P.S. It's worth noting that this builds a searchable index on the fly and uses the same logic as the auto-complete.  If there are a lot of item codes, this could take a bit of time.

    Hope that makes sense


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