Can I use Data File Display and Maintenance for this issue? Sage 100, 2019 Manufacturing


I have an issue I've never seen before and I think I can solve it pretty cleanly using DFD&M, but would like a sanity check.

We have a Sales Order tethered to a Work Ticket that was never truly completed (It was just wrong, and then abandoned). A second Work Ticket was created using the same Sales Order Number, but was completed properly this time. After the ticket was completed by our production team, a raw material originally assigned to the ticket, that was not used in during the making of the product, was subsequently removed and reissued into inventory. That completely hosed up the ticket and the Sales Order. We cannot close the ticket using Make to Stock Closing, which means the ticket stays open and the Sales Order cannot be invoiced. We have abandoned the ticket and the Sales Order and started fresh, and we reissued all of the raw materials used in the ticket into inventory. The problem remains that I cannot close or delete the ticket, nor can I delete the SO. The error I get refers to the fact that there is still an Active Status on each the SO and the WT.

Here's where Data File Display & Maintenance comes into play. I can delete the WT from the appropriate table. I made a backup of the live company and used the backup to test my method. Deleting the Work Ticket and its steps then allows me to delete the SO. Problem solved. But when I run the Data Verification Report in the Manufacturing Module, I see errors for the transactions that still exist for the WT and SO that I deleted.

My question: Is all of this deleting in DFD&M safe? Can I delete the transactions from the JT_Transaction.M4T table, the WT from the JT_WorkTicket.M4T table, and the SO from the UI without borking the whole shebang? I have done all of this is the backup company, leaving the live data untouched, and it seems to have worked, but am I causing a larger issue that will come back to haunt me? 

  • 0

    In your live company, run the Data Validation Report. Are you getting any validation errors on this Work Ticket prior to using DFDM on this work ticket? If yes, then resolve the Data Validation errors in the live company. If no, then in your test company, note the data validation errors you are getting and check the Sage Knowledgebase for instructions on how to resolve the specific validation errors. The solution may have you use DFDM to resolve anyway.

  • 0 in reply to ksmcwhir

    Hey  _

    Thanks for the assistance!

    I did run the Data Validation Report in the live company and there are some errors, but from another product, not the SO or WT in question. The only time I see any errors (109 and 404) are after I have used DFDM to delete the WT and its steps in the backup company. That produces errors in the Data Validation Report, I presume, because there are still transactions that are active that no longer have a SO or WT to reference.

    For those orphaned transactions, I just deleted them using DFDM from the JT_Transaction table. After doing that and running the Data Validation Report again, all errors related to the offending WT are gone. Does that sound like a cogent plan for fixing my dilemma? I checked the Sage Knoweldgebase, but I didn't find a clear means of troubleshooting my specific problem. What I did was part what I've learned from some Sage "sages," and my own (hopefully) decent logic.

  • +1 in reply to j-fly
    verified answer

    Data Validation Error 109 solution is to Check the record type in JT_Transaction. If only “ST” type records exists, then remove the records from JT_Transaction. (this is what you did)

    Data Validation Error 404 occurs because A record exists in JT_Transaction without a corresponding SO_SalesOrderDetail line.  Generally, you Manually re-create the SO_SalesOrderDetail line for the existing JT_Transaction record.  But, in your case the Sales Order was linked to a different WT so I think you are OK deleting the JT_Transaction record.

    FYI, the Operations Management Technical Reference Guide that provides Data Validation Error solutions can be downloaded from the JobOps knowledgebase ( under the Downloads tab, Version 2021 download, Technical Reference Guide.

  • 0 in reply to j-fly

    Data Validation Error 109 solution is to check the record type in JT_Transaction. If only “ST” type records
    exists, then remove the records from JT_Transaction.

    Data Validation Error 404 occurs because a record exists in JT_Transaction without a corresponding
    SO_SalesOrderDetail line.  Normally, you would recreate the SO_SalesOrderDetail line but in your case I think deleting the JT_Transaction records are OK. 

    FYI, the Operations Management Technical Reference Guide can be downloaded from the JobOps portal under the version 2021 download at

  • 0 in reply to ksmcwhir


    Wow! Thank you for that exceptional explanation! I like recreating the SO_SalesOrderDetail line for SO that only have the one WT. That  tackles the issue in a non-destructive manner.

    And thanks for the link to the JobOps knowledgebase! That will come in very handy!

    Have a wonderful day!

  • 0 in reply to ksmcwhir


    Wow! Thank you for that exceptional explanation! I like recreating the SO_SalesOrderDetail line for SO that only have the one WT. That  tackles the issue in a non-destructive manner.

    And thanks for the link to the JobOps knowledgebase! That will come in very handy!

    Have a wonderful day!
