I currently show a finished item as -2 in our on hand and available fields. But we don't have any at all. The warehouse tried doing an adjustment to add 2 in thinking that they would wipe each other out but now it's showing we have 2 available when we have none. It's just going to be a ping pong affect of going back and forth. What step are we missing?

  • 0

    Consider using the Library Master Utility called "Rebuild Sort Files".  it is an after hours event that refreshes the Quantity Summaries on the Item Master.  I suggest rebuilding PM (Production Management; if you have that module); then Purchase Order, then Sales Order then Inventory Module.  When prompted answer YES to the question to recalculate the data.  That will refresh the Quantity Summary Information. 

  • 0

    Consider using the Library Master Utility called "Rebuild Sort Files".  it is an after hours event that refreshes the Quantity Summaries on the Item Master.  I suggest rebuilding PM (Production Management; if you have that module); then Purchase Order, then Sales Order then Inventory Module.  When prompted answer YES to the question to recalculate the data.  That will refresh the Quantity Summary Information. 

  • 0 in reply to StefanouM

    Also, for some valuation types, the Negative Tier process (under the Period End menu) can help.

    Lastly, there is a utility (*utl) for checking the inventory tables for inconsistencies, and fixing problems.  You always want to run that one in a fresh test company first, to see what it does.  Read all the pop-ups, and follow all instructions.