Did some searching but coming up flat - a client has the need to allocate landed costs equally by qty received.
2 items received:
ABC - qty 1, unit cost 2.00
DEF - qty 1, unit cost 1.00
Each item should have .20 of landed cost allocated.
As a test, I created a landed cost of type 'Quantity', and added that to the landed cost window in ROG entry with an amount of .40
My hope was that the result would be the final inventory value of each item to be:
ABC - 2.20
DEF - 1.20
But that's not what's happening :( I'm getting:
ABC - 2.40
DEF - 1.00
Both line items have 'Landed Cost' checked off.
Anyone know if what I'm shooting for is possible? Thanks in advance for any help.