RMA Warehouses


Version 2024.1 - Issue with RMA Warehouses

When setting up a new Return Address, I am able to fill in the Warehouse.

However, when I save it and pull it back up, the warehouse field is blank.  For client, the whole point of the Return Address is to make sure the correct warehouse is on the Lines...

  • 0
    verified answer

    Hi Beth,

    Return To Address Maintenance creates a record in the table RA_ReturnToAddressCode.M4T.

    RA_ReturnToAddressCode.M4T does not store warehouse. The field warehouse is available simply to copy the address from the warehouse record in I/M Warehouse Code Maintenance (IM_Warehouse.M4T)

    If this answer resolves your issue, please mark the answer as Verified. Thank you so much!

  • +1 in reply to Sage100ERPHelper
    verified answer

    WELLLLL, it answers the question, but begs the question of why does it NOT serve as a default warehouse for the lines like PO and SO entry?

  • 0 in reply to bethbowers

    Return to Address Maintenance was designed to simply set up a predefined address you want the customer to use when returning items. This is not limited to warehouse addresses.

    The warehouse field is only displayed if Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in the Inventory Management Options window. This is just for convenience to allow you to copy an address from a specific warehouse already set up in I/M Warehouse Code Maintenance.

  • 0 in reply to bethbowers

    Return to Address Maintenance was designed to simply set up a predefined address you want the customer to use when returning items. This is not limited to warehouse addresses.

    The warehouse field is only displayed if Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in the Inventory Management Options window. This is just for convenience to allow you to copy an address from a specific warehouse already set up in I/M Warehouse Code Maintenance.

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