Our team here has been trying to move towards standard costing for over 2 years. We have been struggling through Sage 100 2021, and are upgrading shortly to 2023. We have begun playing in 2023 to test new features and look for customization. One of the biggest items on the list is Work Ticket Templates now allow "Set Up" time for process steps. Our hope was that cost roll up with this template and the new setup time labor budget would allow for standard costing to be generated by Sage. However, we cannot get the labor cost to calculate across a larger quantity. All cost roll ups appear to be allocating all labor to a single piece. The items are listed as EA because they are saleable part numbers sold by the unit, but when we setup work centers we run quantities of several hundred at a time. Does anyone know what quantity parameter, or foreign key is driving this calculation so we can force a cost roll up to calculate across an economic or minimum order qty? The values in Item maintenance reorder, and utilizing work ticket template scaling for production run or parents per operation have all yielded zero changes to the cost rollup report values.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
John B.