Paperless Office -> Customer Viewer -> Form Type Order, multiple records show both PDF Exists and Sent set to No

We are setting up Paperless Office in our Sage 2023 instance.  Looking in Paperless Office -> Customer Viewer -> Form Type set to Order for Sales Orders,  multiple records show both PDF Exists and Sent set to No where the font is red.  These are live orders that somehow ended up showing in Customer Viewer and I am trying to determine how these records got there in the first place.  Looking at the screenshot below, the two records in black are valid orders where I am testing paperless office however the other records are there based on other users and their orders.  I can think of many different scenarios where perhaps this table can get populated with these invalid records.  I was just hoping someone else has discovered this previously and can explain the reasoning behind it.  

For example, looking at Paperless Delivery Options for the customer assigned to one of the invalid records, there is nothing set up currently for S/O Order

Could it be that in Sales Order Printing, the sales person might have chosen one of the following options by accident?  I'm thinking that if they selected a specific option below under Paperless Office Output that could create the record in Customer Viewer even though that customer is not currently set up with any paperless office options.  Again, I guess I could test each scenario and probably should.  Thanks.

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