Is anyone else waiting to upgrade to v2024 for True Commerce EDI to be compatible?

We have a client who is running Sage 100 Advanced v2021 with True Commerce EDI. We have been waiting for TC to let us know they have a compatible version ready to install for 2024.1 (, but the last we heard from them (Oct. 23), they "..said should it be ready in the next few weeks".

On a separate note, has anyone heard whether Sage will be releasing PU 2 for 2024 any time soon?

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    Response as of 11/27

    Hey there,

    I wanted to reach out about your inquiry into your Sage 100 version upgrade. Currently out Q&A divisions of our development team are working out some kinks with the integration between Foundry and Sage 100 2024. They hope to have that completed with in the next few weeks. 

    Once testing in Q&A is completed, you will receive an email announcing the full compatibility with Sage 100 2024 (all versions). Once you get that e-mail, please reach back out and we can provide the instructions on how to do the upgrade, or if you wish, there is an option to purchase a paid upgrade where you will have a dedicated resource to update all the TrueCommerce pieces required to work with your new version of Sage 100. Again, once you get that email announcing compatibility, please reach back out so we can get you the documentation needed. Thanks!


    Doug Heckman | Integration Specialist I

    TrueCommerce EDI Solutions Group

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    Response as of 11/27

    Hey there,

    I wanted to reach out about your inquiry into your Sage 100 version upgrade. Currently out Q&A divisions of our development team are working out some kinks with the integration between Foundry and Sage 100 2024. They hope to have that completed with in the next few weeks. 

    Once testing in Q&A is completed, you will receive an email announcing the full compatibility with Sage 100 2024 (all versions). Once you get that e-mail, please reach back out and we can provide the instructions on how to do the upgrade, or if you wish, there is an option to purchase a paid upgrade where you will have a dedicated resource to update all the TrueCommerce pieces required to work with your new version of Sage 100. Again, once you get that email announcing compatibility, please reach back out so we can get you the documentation needed. Thanks!


    Doug Heckman | Integration Specialist I

    TrueCommerce EDI Solutions Group

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