We have 2 cost tiers for a component. I thought production would pull the first tier until it runs out. It seems that some of our productions are pulling at both...Does anyone know how that can be? We use FIFO Valuation...
  • Master PO not displaying on Orders tab in Item Inquiry

    We are looking at starting to use Master PO's and as I went into CM and added the 3 Master Order fields (Master Original Quantity, Master Quantity Balance, Master Quantity Ordered To Date), I created a Master PO and it's not showing up on the Orders tab…
  • Is there a PO Return of Goods History Report

    Is there a PO Return of Goods History Report? I see Inventory Sales History, Inventory Receipts History, and Inventory Issue History Reports under IM module, but I don't see an Inventory Return of Goods History Report. Nor do I find one under the PO…
  • AutoGenerate from Sales Orders Does Not Copy Item Comments from DropShip Lines

    Hello, We have comments on sales order dropship lines that we would like copied to automatically generated purchase orders, if possible. We are unsure how to accomplish this. Is it possible to transfer sales order line item comments to dropship purchase…
  • Item Code Setup

    In Item Code Maintenance where you set up the units of measure. What is "SALES" used for? Is it used for sales to an end user, or is it used for the recipes/bill of materials/costed bill sales?
  • Reopen a Completed PO

    Is there a way to allow non-Admin Sage 100 users the ability to Re-Open Completed PO's? Quite often we get late Invoices or additional quantity received after the PO has automatically been changed to Completed status, due to 10% Completion rule or that…
  • generating a PO from a sales order

    I would like to know if it is possible to only create Po's from a sales order for items we don't have in inventory? If I create a sales order that has lets say three items two that I can pull from our inventory and one that I don't have any in stock…
  • PO Daily Receipt Registers posting VERY (!) slow

    Sage 100c Advanced 2018 v6.00.10.0 When we update a Receipt of Good Register, even for just a small receipt, it can take 30 minutes or more to update. No other updates in the system take as long Is there a way to refresh the work/crystal files so…
  • ROG - Answering Yes to "Do you want to receive the complete purchase order?" blanks out Item Code with UDFs

    I have 20+ UDFs in ROG entry and they have been working fine over the past 2 years. Now managers want some of these UDF to be required. When I mark just 1 or several or all of the UDFs in ROG as Required, no Item code appears when I select 'Yes' to "Do…

    For some reason quite often when i do a receipt of goods invoice a few days later the invoice shows for $0 with lines "0" invoiced. I do multiple invoices in batches and i always make sure that the quantity being invoiced matches what we received and…
  • AP Invoice for Inventory item

    Once of our employees adjusted the inventory of an item instead of receiving it through Receipt of Goods entry. I now have an invoice for that PO, but don't know if I should just do receipt of invoice? or enter through AP. If I use receipt of invoice…
  • How to revise G/L account?

    When I enter the purchase order, I s elect the standard order type as shown below. And the PO already has been issuing invoice and batch also has been run. So now the amount of PO shows as inventory G/L account. But it should be purchase G/L account…
  • How to add inventory to a vendor PO

    All, I am new to Sage 100 and have been impressed with it so far. I currently have an issue I have been wrangling for a bit now and would like to hear my options on the subject. I would like to know if there is a way to add inventory to a PO. So here…
  • How to reprint old purchase orders that has been history?

    Hello, I know that when a purchase order is received and completed, the purchase order is gone. Is there a way to reprint the old completed purchase orders? I need the actual purchase order print out look and not the reporting line items like the reporting…
  • Receiving multiple purchase orders with one receipt

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out why the button to enter multiple purchase orders against one receipt in the receipt of goods is now showing, I've followed the help files and made sure the four fields, dealing with ship via, tax schedule, etc... were…
  • Upgrade from 4.5 to 2019, unable to populate Purchase Order History

    In Purchase Order Entry, I see a ton of purchase orders with a status of X (closed) but if I try to use the Create Purchase Order History, none of these are being moved to history. The history files are empty. The closed POs remain in the entry files…
  • PO Clearing Not posting Invoices

    If you do not have the box for "Post AP Invoices" checked in PO Options...how do PO's drop off the PO clearing report?
  • Quantity Avaiable field

    Hello all, I am trying to find a way to solve an issue that I have with how the Quantity Available field is displayed in Item Inquiry. It's kind of a difficult issue to explain but I'll try my best here: Lets say I have 300pcs of an item On Hand.…
  • Inactive items

    If an item is inactive, is it possible to make the item active again? If so, how do I do this?
  • Open PO Report

    I run an open PO report each week. My problem is that it shows PO's that items have been received but just not invoiced. For example, the part shows ordered and received but because it hasn't been invoiced yet, the PO is still open. I am okay with that…
  • What controls the function to allocate sales tax to the item cost in PO receipt of goods/invoice entry

    The client has a tax class "VT" for Vat Tax for European purchases. When that tax class is used on the PO line item, the calculated sales tax for that line item is allocated to the item cost, going to the inventory account. No dollars are posting to the…
  • Receiving "Drop Ship" PO to offset SO?

    I recently found the DROP SHIP PO and it is applicable in our business. However, we still recieve all PO's into our "inventory" which is then offset by a Sales Order. Once we invoice it then it is removed from inventory. We are unable to receive DROP…
  • Receipts of Goods

    Is there a way to print the Receipt of Goods Entry and Receipt of Goods Register without showing the unit costs? They would just default to what is on the PO without letting the user see the costs?
  • from Make to Buy - you cannot use inactive bill types - Inventory Advisor

    Hello fellow Sage users, We have one FG item that used to be Make, but in the past years we switched to Buy. We thought about putting the BOM into inactive status, but when our sales team enters a line with aforementioned item, Sage generates the error…
  • Vendor Price Break by Dollars not QTY

    Most of my vendors give discounts after a specific dollar threshold (like 20% off on orders of $500) but I can't find a way to set that up in Sage 100 Advance 2017. Does know how to do this?