• Can a non-stock item be added to a sales kit?

    Can non-stock items be added to sales kits?

    Has anyone set up the REORDER REPORT and noticed that the report is not showing any "QUANTITIES" on hand, on po, on so, on bo, and available? And it's only for some items not all. In my screen grab there are 2 items. Item 115123 which I know we…
  • Master PO not displaying on Orders tab in Item Inquiry

    We are looking at starting to use Master PO's and as I went into CM and added the 3 Master Order fields (Master Original Quantity, Master Quantity Balance, Master Quantity Ordered To Date), I created a Master PO and it's not showing up on the Orders tab…
  • Report to show every Work Ticket where a particular raw material is used.

    Howdy Sage City community. Is there a native report in Sage 100 2019 Manufacturing that will allow you to query for a specific item and show a list of Work Tickets in which it was used? If not, I would like to try and create a custom report. Thanks…
  • Inventory economic reorder method doesn't recommend ordering enough to meet quantity available..

    I'm struggling with how Sage 100 calculates the suggested reorder quantity when using the ECONOMIC reorder method on an item. It determines reorder is necessary based on quantity available but then only recommends ordering the amount in the Economic Qty…
  • Quantities Grid; Available field (Required for Work Ticket)

    Is there a way for the Available field to automatically take into account the "Req for W/T" quantity? It seems completely illogical that the On Hand Quantity is the same as the Available when parts are needed for an open Work Ticket. I mean it takes…

    Does IP Type Code show up in transaction tab for all items during inventory count or does it only show up in the transaction tab if a count was made towards the item?

  • QR Barcodes Length

    Hello, Our manufacturer recently changed our old barcodes to the QR barcodes, however, when we are trying to scan the products into SAGE 100 it is not taking the full serial number length. Is there a way I can update the serial length within SAGE…
  • Inventory transfer form out of MAS

    Has anyone ever created an inventory transfer form that can be generated out of MAS that a shipping department can complete. I am looking for a picking sheet type of form but the item is simply being transferred from one warehouse to another (therefore…
  • Negative quantities for Sale Order.

    We have 2 items in our inventory, that show an SO for a negative amount. I cannot find an orders that have negative amounts and no orders that match the quantities. For example, we on hand 110 units of product A with SO of -15 and an available inventory…

    I don't work in shipping but I had a shipping question brought up to me. We have a customer that placed a rather large order. They notified us that they made a mistake and ordered too much of one item. To avoid a ton of work, I did a return of just the…
  • permissions in Item Inquiry Orders tab

    what section in security controls access to the Orders tab in Item Inquiry?

    Hey there I have an issue with an item showing that it is on sales order and its committed but we have no open sales orders with the item nor back orders. I'm also going to mention that we use multi bin and I can see that 7 are set in a warehouse but…
  • Expanded Price Levels (DSD IMXL)

    I have an end user that is considering DSD's Expanded Price Levels enhancement. I am a little nervous adding an enhancement that will have such a large impact on Sage 100. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this enhancement. If so, are you…
  • Item Code Setup

    In Item Code Maintenance where you set up the units of measure. What is "SALES" used for? Is it used for sales to an end user, or is it used for the recipes/bill of materials/costed bill sales?
  • Inventory Usage Reports by Product

    Good afternoon, This question is related to inventory management. I work for a company which has several locations treated as separate warehouses in the inventory management module. We use physical counts to determine materials usage for Cost of Goods…
  • Bill of Materials - Parent & Component Serial Numbers

    The Bill of Material allows a parent item with components. Is there a way to create a serial number for the Parent Item and then assign serial numbers for the components? Thanks!
  • Sales Kits not exploding on order imports

    We are testing sales kits and placed an order originating from our e-commerce site. The first batch of orders failed because the explode kit items field was set to 'Never'. I thought this was my issue, but the kits still have not exploded after altering…
  • Item Maintenance

    Where can I find a detailed explanation of how Item Maintenance works and what each valuation does and setting up Units of Measure? We have a terrible habit of just copying what is done for other items that have been set up in the past. I want everyone…
  • Error Message when using Delete/Change Items

    I am getting this error message when I am going to rename these items. Has anyone every encountered this? I've never seen it before.
  • Bill of Materials and Transfers

    I just want to bounce some thoughts around. We're a manufacturing and distribution company. We are trying to take into account how many boxes we use for packing our finished goods. These finished goods are sold to our intercompany via p.o and receipt…
  • Tracking Deleted Sales Order w/SKU detail

    We have numerous SKUs with a reorder point of 0 and most are treated as special order product. We often find that special ordered material arrives from the vendor only to find out the customer cancelled, the SO was deleted and no way to look back at transaction…
  • Physical Count Situation

    Hey All, I saw this post https://www.sagecity.com/us/sage100_erp/f/sage-100-distribution-manufacturing-and-internet-modules/94349/you-cannot-proceed-with-unposted-data-in-physical-count-entry , but I want to elaborate a bit to see if I can find the…
  • Non-inventory purchase orders

    How do you handle purchase orders for non-inventory items. Two examples - 1) the office heater is broken, we call repair shop to fix it - PO needs to be created to match up with billing invoice,do you just use a comment field? But do you still have to…