• Can I use Data File Display and Maintenance for this issue? Sage 100, 2019 Manufacturing

    I have an issue I've never seen before and I think I can solve it pretty cleanly using DFD&M, but would like a sanity check. We have a Sales Order tethered to a Work Ticket that was never truly completed (It was just wrong, and then abandoned). A…

    We have 2 cost tiers for a component. I thought production would pull the first tier until it runs out. It seems that some of our productions are pulling at both...Does anyone know how that can be? We use FIFO Valuation...
  • Master PO not displaying on Orders tab in Item Inquiry

    We are looking at starting to use Master PO's and as I went into CM and added the 3 Master Order fields (Master Original Quantity, Master Quantity Balance, Master Quantity Ordered To Date), I created a Master PO and it's not showing up on the Orders tab…
  • The AR InvoiceHistoryHeader file is being used by another task and cannot be opened.

    We have been trying to restore the AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail file for a couple days and continue to hit corrupt file errors. error 106 key file error. I finally found a file that when restored and rebuilt works and opens correctly in the "TST" test company…
  • Report to show every Work Ticket where a particular raw material is used.

    Howdy Sage City community. Is there a native report in Sage 100 2019 Manufacturing that will allow you to query for a specific item and show a list of Work Tickets in which it was used? If not, I would like to try and create a custom report. Thanks…
  • Is there a PO Return of Goods History Report

    Is there a PO Return of Goods History Report? I see Inventory Sales History, Inventory Receipts History, and Inventory Issue History Reports under IM module, but I don't see an Inventory Return of Goods History Report. Nor do I find one under the PO…
  • MRP Generation runs forever, no error messages

    I am trying to run an MRP generation to generate a report. I am doing so in the legacy MRP for Sage 100 ERP version 2018. This will be the first time that the generation would be run for this particular company. The files for this company are not gigantic…
  • Scanco Warehouse and Barcoding

    Good Afternoon Does anyone have feedback on Scanco Warehouse as a solution to automate receiving inventory transfers and shipping? If you have experience with this product would you recommend it? We are struggling with the decision as the receiving…
  • Demand in IRP

    Why doesn't the Demand in IRP Generation process take into consideration the units SOLD for items? It only accounts for the Projected demand - SO Quantity on open Sales Orders.
  • Rework - Labeled Product

    Need to reprocess labeled product into a new FG item. How can this be completed? Currently we take bright product and turn it into FG labeled product. Pallet tags with quantities and lot codes are generated. We are taking two FG labeled product and…
  • Error 11 Can anyone shed some light on how to correct?

    We have an user that is moving parts around on several bill of materials. He is consistently receiving this message. Often after the message is received the items behave oddly, such as not being able to delete or modify. When we try to delete or modify…
  • How to remove invoice items for deleted batch

    Dear concern, I am using sage erp 100. I accidentally deleted batch . Now can not post invoices. But these invoices hold items which are not available for sale. I want to cancel or delete these invoices. Please help me to solve this problem
  • Component Exception Manager, Order To Stock, Not By W/T

    Hi - I am trying to use CEM to make stock orders based on my CEM report data. CEM shows me the demand but when I cut the PO it still links all the w/t's. This is causing issues between order and use quantities and generally a mess. Instead, I want CEM…
  • VI Job import not working with inventory warehouse transfer transaction with Scanco muti-bin Enhancement - Does not distribute the lines to the appropriate Bin Location

    I have a vi job that is suppose to transfer inventory items from one warehouse to another along with their bin location. Scanco muti-bin is installed. The job is not able to distribute the line tiers of bin location. Has anyone had this issue with VI…
  • Item renumbering running crazy slow

    We have 370 items to renumber that have history. They are taking 6 minutes each. We are using Premium version of Sage 100 so we are looking for a faster solution. Isn't there a SQL based option for this?
  • Moving a BOM to History

    Is there a way to change an old REV of a BOM to history in order for the inactive REVs to not show on every inquiry? We have been using Sage for a long time and some of our BOMs are no longer active as we no longer build those items. We need to keep the…
  • Negative quantities for Sale Order.

    We have 2 items in our inventory, that show an SO for a negative amount. I cannot find an orders that have negative amounts and no orders that match the quantities. For example, we on hand 110 units of product A with SO of -15 and an available inventory…
  • returned item shows as received on PO

    I have a PO with returned item still showing as received. 15 ordered, 20 originally received, 5 returned, 15 invoiced The PO shows the goods receipts for the 20 and (5), GLs are debited and credited as expected and inventory is correct. However, the…
  • Product Line in Open Sales Order Report

    As I slowly work my way through customizing our Sage 100 Advance instance, Sage City has been the greatest resource! Thank you all! I am working with the Open Sales Order Report now and stuck on suppressing some items in the report. The end goal…
  • permissions in Item Inquiry Orders tab

    what section in security controls access to the Orders tab in Item Inquiry?
  • batch report creation

    Hi There, Is there a way to run a batch file to change all items entered into inventory with a none reorder method to reorderpoint? Thanks in advance, \\shane\
  • Over Invoiced PO

    There is a PO in my system where everything is completed, but it shows as a backorder and says ***over invoiced*** on the open po report. Any ideas on how to get this to a completed status? Thanks, Dan
  • Restrict an On Hold PO from being ROG

    Is there a way to restrict an On Hold PO from being received in ROG/ROI? New security on Sage 100c Advanced 2022.1 doesn't have such an option for "Override" or anything else I could find. SO has something, but not PO. Why wouldn't Sage make the same…
  • Sales order entry - unit price goes down to 0$ after changing quantity

    Unit price drops down to 0 when changing the quantity of "ordered" on the same line item. Is this normal behavior, or was this intentionally implemented at some point? Can anyone point me in the direction of an article to reverse this? Thanks!
  • Duplicate SO (PO's) being imported via True Commerce EDI in Citrix environment

    Upgraded from Sage 100c Advanced v2019.2 to v2022.1 on new Win2022 ERP server and separate Win2019 Citrix server. When we import EDI PO's from True Commerce Transaction Manager v2 integration into Sage 100 which become SO, of course, we get duplicate…