Sage Intelligence Report Designer Consolidation Fiscal to Calendar

Would it be possible within Report Designer to add a conversion field of Fiscal to Calendar?

If 2 UDF's were added to Fiscal Year Maintenance for each period noting the calendar year and period, could they then be used in consolidated financials?

situation: I have say 5 companies to consolidate.

3 are Calendar; 2 are different Fiscal Years.

would there be a way to add these UDF's in the connector and use them to consolidate?

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    Had some time and wanted to see if I could get the Sage Intelligence to show a Fiscal Year GL as a Calendar year.

    I changed the Period & Year data fields in the Container using SQL to make it work.

    Being a Consolidated report I needed too add a check for the Company Code and it will leave the Calendar Year Co's alone.

    So yes it can be done.

  • 0

    Had some time and wanted to see if I could get the Sage Intelligence to show a Fiscal Year GL as a Calendar year.

    I changed the Period & Year data fields in the Container using SQL to make it work.

    Being a Consolidated report I needed too add a check for the Company Code and it will leave the Calendar Year Co's alone.

    So yes it can be done.

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