Sage Intelligence Combined Financials

When I run the Sage Intelligence for Combined Financials, it combines both companies, but for accounts that are the same numbers, it doubles them.  It adds a line for Company A, with the total of Company A and Company B, then adds a line for Company B with the same total.

Company A - Cash $5,000

Company B - Cash $1,000

Export shows:

Cash A - $6,000

Cash B - $6,000  

The Financials Have $12,000 cash instead of $6,000.

This happens with any similar account numbers, which are basically the same between the two companies.

  • 0

    Came across something like this before.

    On the Sub Reports where you assign the Sage 100 company codes, one of the companies was in there twice.

    Check to see if Company B is listed twice?

  • 0 in reply to Doc102208

    When I look at the Balance Sheet - Combined, and look at Just company A, it shows the account for Company B with the Company A Amounts, and if filtered to Company B it shows Company B amounts on both listings for that account.

    Company A - filtered
    Cash A - $5,000
    Cash B - $5,000

    Company B - filtered
    Cash A - $1,000
    Cash B - $1,000

    Again, it is doubling any account that is listed in both companies. 

    Are you talking about under "Company" and adding the two company codes? 


  • 0 in reply to Lisa Pickering

    I was referring to the Database Consolidation List.

    In the shot above the Co Coder PRP is in there twice.

    If not I would have to see the Template that the report uses.

  • 0

    You don't really tell us how your template is setup so it makes it somewhat difficult to address your issue. It appears that you are using the Consolidated Financial Report Designer. This requires that you add all companies to the database consolidation list in each of the subreports. It may be, as has already been noted, that you have a duplicate company code in one of these lists.

    If you determine that you don't have any duplicate company codes, then it is probably how you set up your template. Did you bring over the accounts for each company into the same column and then sort? If so, you have to add the company code in the function argument. If you leave it blank it will 'assume' that you want to use both companies for each row. That would result in the cash account calculating the sum of both companies.