UDF to save the original DateUpdated in AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader


We base a number of automated reports on the invoice history table's DateUpdated field, which works great under normal circumstances, but if you do a VI import to update something in posted invoice data, the DateUpdated is changed... causing duplicated notifications.

Working as designed.

So, I am trying to capture the original DateUpdated in a UDF (intending to use this as the report filter instead of the Sage field).  However, I can't get it to work (v2020).

My first attempt was to set up the UDF with a Default of SystemDate, but when posting new test invoices the UDF is left blank.

Then I tried a Pre-Write script to set the value, but from what I can tell, the script is not even triggering (during the posting process). 

I think both problems may be due to the fact that the business object associated with the history UDF is AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_bus... and I'm running out of ideas.

Has anyone successfully created a mirror UDF to store a date in AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader, set during the posting process?  To clarify, it cannot be data from the invoice (InvoiceDate, TransactionDate...)... what I need is to capture the "now" date when the user clicks "Yes" to the journal update.

I'd really prefer to solve this problem with Sage tools (instead of a SQL trigger).  Any suggestions would be welcome.