I've added a UDF to display the customers shipping acct number in Sales Order Entry. But I've run into an issue where the field can't be edited in SO Invoice Data Entry or Purchase order entry. I can however edit in Shipping Data Entry, but the changes to the field don't follow through to Invoice Data Entry.. Is it possible to edit this UDF field in SO invoice data entry, like how the ship via and FOB fields can be changed?
I created the UDF with manual entry in SO Sales Order Header and mapped it using these steps:
- Expand Modules, Custom Office, Main.
- Double-click User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance.
- Expand Sales Order, and select the SO Sales Order Header table.
- Click the Edit Fields button.
- Click the Add button, and enter the following information:
- Field Name = SOHEADER
- Source = Manual Entry
- Click OK at the “Changes have been made to the user-defined fields…” dialog box to update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Click the Add button, and enter the following information:
- Select the SO Sales Order Work table. Enter the UDF created above in SO_SalesOrderHeader. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_SalesOrderPrinting_rpt
- Data Source = SO_SalesOrderHeader
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the SO Invoice Header table. Enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_Invoice_bus
- Data Source = SalesOrderNo
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
- Select the SO Invoice Work table, and enter the UDF created above, SOHEADER. Select the following:
- Source = Business Object
- Business Object = SO_InvoicePrinting_rpt
- Data Source = SO_InvoiceHeader
- Click OK , and update the ODBC data dictionary and UDF data files.
Sales Order Entry
Shipping Data Entry
So Invoice Data Entry