Price Level Description on Price Level List Lookup


We have some standard price level codes we use that are set up for each item, if you are a wholesaler you get X price, MSRP has its own price code, etc. The descriptions for these codes are universal, W always would be described as wholesaler for example. I would like these descriptions to show up in the price level list lookup. Looking at the lookup I can add PriceCodeDesc.

Having taken a peek at IM_PriceCode it would seem that I would need to do an import in to PriceCodeDesc for every single item. I could do this but it would mean that any new items that are set up would not have the description. I suppose I could try to write a script that puts in the PriceCodeDesc upon modifying the IM_PriceCode table... Is there a better way of setting this description? I was thinking of using a UDT here, but I wasn't sure if UDT info could be brought in to a lookup?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

- Jon K.