Notice of Maintenance on October 9th. Click here for further details.

  • Visual Integrator export of payroll

    Need help exporting check history detail data by employee. VI table choices seem to be payroll history header and detail but I can't figure how to get both tables in a single export. Am I better off using a crystal report where I can link the tables…
  • VI Import for Sales Order

    I'm trying to use VI Import to import Sales Orders using the next function to assign the sales order number. The source file has multiple line items for each sales order. The source file has a unique customer PO number for each order. If I point the Sales…
  • Visual Integrator Receipt of Goods Entry

    Hello, I'm trying to import multiple Receipts of Goods Entry against open POs, but keep running into this issue - the quantity received is imported but the quantity ordered column for the PO is coming up as 0. It should pull the open ordered quantity…
  • VI Import to SO_InvoiceTracking with multiple packages from UPS Worldship export

    Hi Sage 100 Community, I'm trying to help our warehouse cut some manual entry time with their UPS tracking numbers. There is currently a process in place with UPS Worldship that exports a CSV at EOD to our Sage server and then a series of VI Import…
  • VI job error in VI_ImportAssignValues.pvc

    Hi there, I'm testing out the first of many imports in our parallel upgrade test environment. We are going from 4.5 to 2023 100 Premium. I'm getting an error when running an import of an order that is downloaded from TrueCommerce's EDI TransactionManager…
  • VI Job Output via Command Line

    I'm currently running SAGE 100 version I can run VI Import jobs no problem via a .bat file or through command line. However I'm looking to get some output back from running the job. Ranging from: Successful or unsuccessful login (right…
  • exporting invoice detail lines

    is there a way to export the line details on current open AR invoices. When I use Business insights the current open AR invoices just give the balance of the invoice not the line detail for those invoices. If I use invoice history I get more then open…
  • Visual Integrator - Big Commerce

    Has anyone tried to get a proper export from Big Commerce for a VI into Sage 100c 2021?
  • Visual Integrator; Importing into SO_InvoiceHeader and Leaves Back Order

    I'm on Sage 100 Standard 2020 (v6.20.1.0). We create sales orders, and then after each sales order ships, invoices are imported into a SO_InvoiceHeader batch. When the batch is posted, all the sales orders are supposed to disappear from SO_SalesOrderHeader…
  • Visual Integrator SQL syntax

    Hi there! I hope you're all doing well. I'm attempting to modify the SQL query of an ODBC Import Job, but it crashes when I press the Test button. I'd like to know if there's a resource where I can find the exact syntax of SQL required for VI Jobs…
  • VI Export - how to export the Company Code

    Can't find this having been discussed anywhere, although I thought I had. I am assuming I can use a Temp field and either assign "<CompanyCode>" or Calculate it somehow. So far, nothing that I have tried has worked.
  • VI Job How can I import a job with forced return?

    I am importing new item descriptions and it includes a character return (alt enter). If I enter it in the file, it causes the entry to error out when imported. Is there another way I can import it or will we have to go in and manually enter the hard return…
  • VI import from Excel file

    When using VI and importing from an Excel file, does the VI import job spin off a *.csv file into ..\mas90\home\textout to use as the source data? I'm getting this error:
  • How to change VI job export column heading

    I'm exporting column names in my Visual Integrator export. I need to rename one of the column headings, but I can't seem to find a way to do that. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
  • VI Export Conditional Expression

    Morning, I am trying to create a conditional express for a VI export job, but don't seem to be able to figure out the formula. Can someone guide me on what it is I am doing wrong (if not all)? {SY_SalesTaxClass29.TaxClass$} = "NT" then {Temp002…
  • Visual Integrator Chain to & Change company code

    Is it possible to change the company code during a VI Chain to event? We have a process of importing data into the SO tables in one company code and then updating a field in the PO Header of another company code. I'd like to use the VI Chain To field…
  • VI JOB Cash Receipts Import - How do you set up the job to validate INVOICE TYPE in the user's source column/field to be either IN or PP and never blank or null?

    Please help!!! Very simple VI job has been in use since 2015, maybe earlier. But within the last year, we have had at least 3 incidents, and want to make sure that if user forgets to populate this column of the AR cash receipts excel template, the record…
  • Use VI to Import So Invoices and create So Invoice batch

    I am looking to import sales orders either into sales order invoice and create an invoice batch or import into sales order shipping data entry. Of course it would be ideal if it would pull the lines in without having to give each line item its own line…
  • AR_CashReceiptsDetail table missing in VI Import Job Maintenance

    I'm working on an import job to enter cash receipts and don't have the AR_CashReceiptsDetail table in the table list. I see it when I'm in export job maintenance, just not import. What am I missing?
  • VI job to import cash receipts

    I've been tasked with creating a VI job to import cash receipts and am new to using VI. Actually, fairly new to Sage, but I come with some relational database experience. I am having issues linking the AR_CashReceiptsDeposit and AR_CashReceiptsDetail…
  • Visual Integrator Importing (and removing) Paperless Office for Contacts

    I set up a VI job to set paperless office settings for all of our customers so it would email their A/R Statement to a contact code (rather than the customer email). Now I'm trying to figure out how I can remove that contact code using a similar job …
  • How to rename a Temp Field in a VI export?

    Haven't found this posted before, although it may have been and my searching skills are diminished. I also understand that this might be something that I can pull into Access or Excel, or even write a Crystal Report, to accomplish. But for the moment…
  • Customizer Import Refuses .M4X file from the same version (both are Sage 100 2022 32 & PR 32-Bit)?

    Why would a Sage 100 2022 Customizer Utility import fail if it is used to copy from a ".M4X" file a P/R UDT, VI jobs, and event script to the same level (Both are Sage 100 Standard and P/R from which it was created?
  • VI Import Job Expression Builder IF THEN ELSE Statement

    How can I use an IF THEN ELSE statement in the Expression Builder when importing a job? I keep getting a syntax error. For my current example: I'm looking to import item shipping weights. I already have my import value assigned to Temp001 . So now I…
  • Import Quantity used to Work Tickets

    need to import Quantity used in to work tickets. I have a VI Import to JT_Transaction that when run populated the JT_Transasction file. Seen in DFDM. However, it does not show in the work ticket; the exploded sales order nor does the quantity appear…