E-Business Module - IIS ISAPI Extension Doesn't Redirect


Hello everyone!

I am hoping to get some help/guidance from someone who might have more experience with the Sage E-Business Module than myself. We're currently trying to implement and install the Sage E-Business Module using the Sage Web Engine and Sage ISAPI Extension. We're unable to get the web-server to redirect to the Web Engine using the extension. When trying to browse to the Web Engine login page, we get a 404 error stating it's using the StaticFile Module. 

Our current environment is Windows Server 2016, with Sage 100 Advanced.

Below are the current steps we've completed:

1. Our web server runs independently (I can browse to the site excluding the e-business piece). 

2. The web engine runs independently (if I go to http:/localhost:2953/IW_Login.m4p?;login, we receive the login page). 

3. We've copied the extension to the c:\inetpub\scripts folder, where our IIS instance lives.

4. In IIS, under handler mapping, we've added the MASISAPI.dll Module and named it PVX.

5. We've configured the MASISAPI.ini file to match our environment.


[Http Remappings]

Any help or recommendation would be very helpful.