Detect when table gets updated


We currently have Windows services (written in C#, .NET) that push data out from some Sage tables to a custom API, which then stores it in a private SQL Server Database. Depending on the service, it might trigger every minute, every 5 minutes, or once every day.

We are looking for a real-time end result since the current implementation presents delays in synchronizing data.

Is there a way to trigger our code somehow when data in a specific table gets added, updated, or deleted?


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  • 0 in reply to Imad Maks

    The window does not need to be closed to trigger subsequent events. These table based event scripts are triggered by table activity and not the user interface. Changes in the panel are written when you click the Accept button. That doesn't close the window. Another order or the same order can be re-selected, changed, and another event will be triggered when the Accept button is used again. If this didn't solve you issue, then I'm not understanding exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

  • 0 in reply to Imad Maks

    The problem could be your object, not Sage.  Try something other than that function (DebugPrint, MessageBox...) to verify when the Post-Write script is running.

    If you are on Advanced / Premium, try running in MAS90 mode to verify if your script is throwing an invisible error (or is otherwise being locked up).

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    In fact, the issue is somewhere in my objects. But I can't figure out where. See the following trace window:

    I updated the same item 3 times in a row without closing the window. I can see that the script has been triggered 3 times. However, the API call is never re-made because my API response is a GUID that should change every time, which is not happening. In addition, my API only logs the reception of requests the first time. It's like my API is never called if the URL is the same (because it gets triggered if I change the item or if I close and then re-open the window).

    Here is my updated script:

    retVal = oScript.DebugPrint("Script Triggered")
    url = ""
    itemCode = ""
    response = ""
    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ItemCode$", itemCode)
    url = "https://localhost:7017/Synchronization/ping/" & itemCode & ""
    retVal = oScript.DebugPrint("URL: " & url)
    Set o = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", url , False
    response = o.responseText
    oScript.DebugPrint("Response: " & response)
    Set o = nothing
    Set itemCode = nothing
    Set url = nothing
    Set response = nothing

    Moreover, if, instead of sending the item code (which never changes) in the URL, I send the description (which I am updating for the sake of testing), the API call is made successfully because the URL has changed.

    Is there a sort of a cache that is used?

  • 0 in reply to Imad Maks

    I suspect you may be getting an error from your open or send and the "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" object is not updating "responseText".

  • 0 in reply to connex

    I doubt it because if I log the response before and after the call, before the call the response text is empty, and after it is not. If I log errors, I don't see anything relevant about the HTTP request. I'll keep trying though.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    I just tried that. No luck. I'll keep looking into it. Crazy though.
    Thanks for the help and the resources.

    Is there a way to refresh the script?

  • 0 in reply to Imad Maks

    BOI scripts need to be recompiled after changes, and are loaded into memory as the data entry object is opened... (with no way to "refresh" the script in that data entry session).  Eg. recompile the script, and you have to close / re-open the data entry screen to load the updated script.