User Limit Exceeded/Connection Failure to Host:[tcp]server;54954;NODELAY;STREAM


We started randomly getting these on our Sage server:

This probably started in the past 2 or 3 weeks. We are way under on our used licenses, using 20 with a total of 35 available. We are on Sage 100 Advanced.PVX 2023 ( 32-bit and we are running as an application because we believe we were having issues with our anti-virus (Microsoft Defender for Endpoint) We have been running with this configuration for several months without any issues and this has just recently started happening. When it happens it seems to happen several times in a row. 

  • 0

    If you are on a terminal server, make sure you copied over the current activate.pvx to the local workstation path.


  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    I am running as an Application. This fixed it for about 3 hours and then it started again this afternoon.

  • 0 in reply to Jonathan Kruse

    You reset the session files?

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Yes, I did everything in the article besides change the port. I'm assuming you are referring to this step:

    To refresh the Application Server Configuration files in caase they were corrupted:

    1. Stop the Application Server and close the Application Server Configuration application.
    2. On Server go to the Task Manager and kill all PVXWIN32.exe's.
    3. On the Sage 100 server, rename the following files:
      • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Console.m4t
      • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Workstation.m4t
      • ..\MAS90\Home\Lib\_Appserv\Locate.pvk
      • ..\MAS90\Home\Lib\_Appserv\Sessions.pvk
    4. Go to All Programs and find the Application Server Configuration and Open it, once it has created the files you can close it.
    5. Restart the Application for Sage 100 ERP Advanced or Premium
      1. From the Windows Desktop at the Sage 100 ERP server, click Start
      2. On the Programs menu, point to the Sage Software or Sage program folder
      3. Select click Application Server Configuration
      4. Click the Server tab. Clear the KeepAlives check box
      5. Click the Clients tab. On the Re-Connect list, select None

    We have been running as an Application for some time. I think when we ran as a service we had similar errors, but I don't recall the exact errors. When we ran as an application it stopped happening. I'm trying to remember when this started, but it seems like this has been happening randomly the past couple of weeks, although today and yesterday have been really bad.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Yes, I did everything in the article besides change the port. I'm assuming you are referring to this step:

    To refresh the Application Server Configuration files in caase they were corrupted:

    1. Stop the Application Server and close the Application Server Configuration application.
    2. On Server go to the Task Manager and kill all PVXWIN32.exe's.
    3. On the Sage 100 server, rename the following files:
      • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Console.m4t
      • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Workstation.m4t
      • ..\MAS90\Home\Lib\_Appserv\Locate.pvk
      • ..\MAS90\Home\Lib\_Appserv\Sessions.pvk
    4. Go to All Programs and find the Application Server Configuration and Open it, once it has created the files you can close it.
    5. Restart the Application for Sage 100 ERP Advanced or Premium
      1. From the Windows Desktop at the Sage 100 ERP server, click Start
      2. On the Programs menu, point to the Sage Software or Sage program folder
      3. Select click Application Server Configuration
      4. Click the Server tab. Clear the KeepAlives check box
      5. Click the Clients tab. On the Re-Connect list, select None

    We have been running as an Application for some time. I think when we ran as a service we had similar errors, but I don't recall the exact errors. When we ran as an application it stopped happening. I'm trying to remember when this started, but it seems like this has been happening randomly the past couple of weeks, although today and yesterday have been really bad.
