User Limit Exceeded/Connection Failure to Host:[tcp]server;54954;NODELAY;STREAM


We started randomly getting these on our Sage server:

This probably started in the past 2 or 3 weeks. We are way under on our used licenses, using 20 with a total of 35 available. We are on Sage 100 Advanced.PVX 2023 ( 32-bit and we are running as an application because we believe we were having issues with our anti-virus (Microsoft Defender for Endpoint) We have been running with this configuration for several months without any issues and this has just recently started happening. When it happens it seems to happen several times in a row. 

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to rclowe

    One more quick idea.  In User Maintenance there is a checkbox for "Spawn Tasks from Application Server".  You should be 100% consistent with this setting for all users.  Either have it enabled for all users (which is our typical setup for Advanced / Premium) or disabled for all users.

    If you added a new user recently, and didn't set this checkbox to match other users, that could explain your errors.
