User Limit Exceeded/Connection Failure to Host:[tcp]server;54954;NODELAY;STREAM


We started randomly getting these on our Sage server:

This probably started in the past 2 or 3 weeks. We are way under on our used licenses, using 20 with a total of 35 available. We are on Sage 100 Advanced.PVX 2023 ( 32-bit and we are running as an application because we believe we were having issues with our anti-virus (Microsoft Defender for Endpoint) We have been running with this configuration for several months without any issues and this has just recently started happening. When it happens it seems to happen several times in a row. 

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  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    How would I know that? We have C# routines that are hooking into the BOI. Some of these run directly on the Sage server and some are run on other workstations.

  • 0 in reply to Jonathan Kruse

    I don't do external BOI scripting, but I believe if the connection goes straight to the server's pvxwin##.exe, that would be MAS90 mode (bypassing the service). 

    If it includes server / port (or triggers a local workstation pvxwin##.exe), that should be connecting through the Advanced service properly.

  • +1 in reply to Kevin M
    verified answer

    We do believe we have found the issue. After removing all users from the system and testing with our BOI stuff, it appears as if that is consuming the licenses. We recently did start doing some additional testing and that was pushing us over the usage. I had been looking in Master Console at the "Active Users" and had always assumed this was the number of licenses being used, but then I discovered *info and we were able to pinpoint the issue.

    Thanks for all of your help!! 

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    A note about user preferences.

    Our original Sage 2014 install consisted of a providex Sage 2014 server, and all the workstations had Sage installed on each workstation (typically Windows 7 or Windows 10) on the same 1gb lan as the server.

    We would occasionally get the error in your post.

    We fixed the problem by modifying the preferences in each user configuration. On the Preferences tab, we checked the Spawn task on application server. This fixed the error.

    On our current Sage 2023 terminal server/rdp environment we unchecked the Spawn tasks on application server for all users.

    We don't get those errors.

    We have 103 seat licenses in our environment..