SOLVED: getting origin through ci_item table


We are using Sage 100 2022.

In my sage account, I have an "origin" column for each item:

(edit: added after MM's reply) You can see the "origin" field, also, in the categories section of an item inquiry:

(end edit)

If that is an in-built sage table column, how do I relate it to the CI_Item table?

Otherwise, through the interface, how can I find out the table and column of the 'Origin' field through the Sage 100 GUI?

This is a current query we are using in an ODBC connection - I'd like to add the origin field there:

    IM_AliasItem.AliasItemNo, IM_AliasItem.VendorNo,
    CI_Item, IM_AliasItem
    CI_Item.ItemCode = IM_AliasItem.ItemCode
    AND CI_Item.LastTotalUnitCost <> 0

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