At Log in SAGE 100 Takes 3 to 4 minutes to connect to SQL Server


Just installed the latest update of SAGE 100 Contractor on a clean install of Windows 10.

Had a Sage tech remote in and install it for us.

We are a small office and my Workstation doubles as the server.

There is only one other computer that connects to it.

Now when I go to log in it takes 3 to 4 minutes to connect to the SQL Server, it shows the blue Microsoft spinning wheel, whereas before this upgrade to  it took maybe 20 seconds at the most.

A really strange thing is that if a SAGE tech support person is logged into my computer using Log-Me-In 123 or through a Teams connection it only takes the normal 20 to 45 seconds to log in.

Equally odd is that my coworker across the room can log in to SAGE and SQL Server within the normal 20 to 40 seconds but my computer always takes at least 3 and often 4 minutes to connect to SQL Server, except as mentioned above, when someone is connected to me via Log-Me-in 123 or MS Teams


Yesterday SAGE tech support spent 1-1/2 hours trying to resolve this with no luck.


Anybody else experience anything like this and if yes were you able to resolve it?

Thanks - Jud

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    Hi Jud,

    This forum is for Sage 100 (ERP). Here's a link to Sage 100 Contractor community forum: (6) Sage 100 Contractor General Discussion - Sage Construction & Real Estate - Community Hub


    Sage Support

  • 0 in reply to NateSage100

    Thank you Nate, I posted the question over there. - Jud

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    Can you see if it takes any less or more time if you disconnect the network

  • 0 in reply to sevendogzero

    Thanks for your response. I did try that yesterday, disconnecting from the network and it made no difference. Still took almost 4 minutes to connect to the SQL Server. - Jud

  • 0 in reply to Jud Aley

    So this is a cool mystery. Essentially you are saying if you physically sit in front of that pc using the keyboard and mouse connected to the pc, it takes several minutes to connect, vs remote desktop to the machine. When you remote desktop to the machine the login takes under a minute.

    There should not be any difference in login times. But the difference is the keyboard and mouse.on the machine itself.

    I would start there, swap a new mouse or keyboard out. Sounds strange, but maybe the drivers are whacked.

    This is a really odd circumstance.

    Also any printers you have on the pc that are shared, or printers that the pc is connected to which are shared from another pc.

    Make sure they are on and online.

    Check your task Manager and look at running processes for anything using large amounts of cpu or memory.

    The last thing is the update itself. It may require a .net update or other updates. This problem sounds familiar, but I can't pull the

    info out of my brain.

    Keep digging

  • 0 in reply to sevendogzero

    So the Machine its running on is a HP XW8600 dual 3.33ghz processor Work Station with 32 gigs of ram.

    It ran the prior version of SAGE 100 contractor just fine as it has done for the last 12 years, and as mentioned it typically took 30 to 40 seconds to log in, but given the computers age I have ordered something newer and at some point in the next month will move everything to that.

    The mouse is an HP so I left that, the key board was a Dell so I swapped it out for a Logitech. This made no difference, still at 3-1/2 minutes log in.

    During Log in CPU is at 2% usage.

    Total memory use is at 25%

    SQL Telemetry is using 17.3 mb of memory

    SQL Server Windows 64 bit is using 735mb

    SAGE 100 contractor 2024 32 bit is using 29mb

    Question-SQL Server is 64 bit, SAGE 100 Contractor is 32 bit. I assume that 32 bit and 64 bit programs can work together?

    And how do I check to see if the .NET is up to date?

    Thanks - Jud

  • 0 in reply to Jud Aley

    Probably a good move. Sometimes the effort to find a problem like this just isn't worth it.

    .net is part of the Windows update [start][gear][Update & Security]

    Those kind of problems can drive ya to drink. Best of luck.

    A new server/pc with an SSD will be killer. Don't forget to verify your backups are working after the update