Sage 2023 - Shut off WebView in application

We run Sage 2023 in a terminal server environment. I want to shut off the web/internet on the dashboard.

Simply starting Sage 2023 creates 8 instances of WEbView per user.

This is absolute bs. How do we shut this off.

Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you should do it.

The architects of this software are clueless.

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to StefanouM


    You are absolutely correct. When I read your reply, I just realized how this business (most businesses) have changed to

    fit the internet/web way of operating.

    I've been in this business for 40 years, I remember calling Borland in 1987 while in Amsterdam. On the phone, no username, no passwords. Just needed some compiler support. Sure miss those days.

    When my customers call me on the phone, there's no better way to communicate.

    But I'm on the forum, and the suggestion box needs it's own username and password.

    If that's how Sage wants to manage it's suggestion box, whatever. Hopefully Sage has employees that read and recognize good ideas.

    The forum can't operate without members like you, and I thank you for your time and advice.

    Bret Stern

    ps. maybe I should retire Ha
