Hello, current theTimeUpdated field has values as 11.18964, 13.89475, 15.05072, .35896, looking to format in SQL as HH:MM AM/PM.
Hi ALE77 - This may help...to convert military time 13.89475 to standard time, follow these steps:
So, 13.89475 in military time converts to approximately 1:53:41 PM in standard time.
Hi ALE77 - This may help...to convert military time 13.89475 to standard time, follow these steps:
So, 13.89475 in military time converts to approximately 1:53:41 PM in standard time.
Thank you, that worked great!
Be careful with methods that separate the hour calculation from the minute calculation.
E.g. 13.99, rounded to the minute, will translate to 1:00 PM instead of 2:00 PM, unless you specifically add logic to handle the minutes rounding "up" to :00.
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