Sage 2023 - F2 Item lookup on Sales order

Our Sage 2023 has an issue with some users.

When on a Sales Order, in the Lines tab, typing a couple characters and pressing F2 will display items which begin

with the entered characters.

For some users this does not work.

We have tried making a new defined default search with the correct parameters selected when defining the search, but the

search still show no results when pressing F2

Any suggestions will help

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to sevendogzero

    New company code?  If you use the advanced search index, it might need to be run... to include the new company data.

    SO Option enabled to integrate with IM?  (You might be searching the list of misc items, and not finding anything...).

    ALE raw settings are in 4-5 SOA files... and I don't know enough about them to give any advice on what to look for.
