using ODBC to pull data from Sage results in "Error S0000" "ProvideX ODBC Driver FILEIO "Unable to allocate memory to perform requested operation"


Hi all,

(Sage 2022.3 Advanced 32bit) 

We have a third party app that is using a newly created DSN to pull data from Sage via ODBC. It runs all day long and pulls hundreds of records but about once a day or so it crashes with this error message.

I suspect it happens at moments of high utilization however we are far from reaching any CPU or memory limits on the server.

I haven't seen a KB post about this error in a few years and most of what I've seen as resolutions don't apply to us (we aren't using MS Access as a pass through, no crystal reports involved, etc....) 

Is there anything as far as server/database/DSN config I could check to troubleshoot - or other places I might find more detailed logging? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • 0

    Did you duplicate the SOTAMAS90 DSN fully, including the Options tab?

    With Advanced, are you using the CSODBC service?  If so, did you set up your DSN to use the service (Server tab)?

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes the app's DSN is setup as you've shown and we do have CS ODBC enabled on the Sage server although we have a few users who do not have the option enabled on their Sage user account due to some performance/technical issues.

    What would be the good / bad with an app using CS ODBC? I'm not very familiar with the feature other than we were told not to use it on Sage 2016 but now it seems to be recommended (?) 

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes the app's DSN is setup as you've shown and we do have CS ODBC enabled on the Sage server although we have a few users who do not have the option enabled on their Sage user account due to some performance/technical issues.

    What would be the good / bad with an app using CS ODBC? I'm not very familiar with the feature other than we were told not to use it on Sage 2016 but now it seems to be recommended (?) 
