Sage 100 - Azure Data Factory working with ODBC Connection

I fear this might be quite a niche question, but has anyone successfully got Azure Data Factory to work with the ProvideX ODBC Driver to be able to connect to SAGE 100?

We need to be able to extract some data from Sage 100 via Azure Data Factory and are trying to use the ODBC driver to do so.

We have installed an on premise ADF Integration Runtime(IR) on the same server as SAGE 100, however we are having no luck successfully testing the ODBC connection using the Integration Runtime diagnostics screen. 

We have created a 64bit System DSN ODBC connection. We have successfully tested this in the debug tab of the ODBC setup Data SOurce Administrator (64bit) screen.

We are then using the Integration Runtime diagnostics screen to test a connection by passing it the connection string and username/password, however it just hangs, saying Loading and provides no error whatsoever.

The connection string from IR gets passed in JSON so we have escape \ characters with another  \ so our connection string looks something like this

DSN=SAGEADF; UID=<user_here>;PWD=<password_here>;Company=TUS;Directory=F:\\us\\Sage\\Sage2024Adv\\MAS90; Prefix=F:\\us\\Sage\\Sage2024Adv\\MAS90\\SY\\, F:\\us\\Sage\\Sage2024Adv\\MAS90\\==\\; ViewDLL=F:\\us\\Sage\\Sage2024Adv\\MAS90\\HOME; LogFile=\\PVXODBCADFTEST.LOG; Debug=1; DirtyReads=1; BurstMode=1; StripTrailingSpaces=1; SERVER=NotTheServer

I've tried all sorts but not had any luck

Any help appreciated

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