Notice of Maintenance on October 9th. Click here for further details.

  • V/I jobs running as scheduled tasks causing stranded PVXWIN32 processes...

    Sage 100 2023 Standard. The scheduled tasks run on the server. Every couple of days, the users received "User Limit Exceeded" errors because of the stranded PVXWIN32 processes that never end properly because I assume when the V/I jobs run, the process…
  • VI Cross Reference Customer Email to Customer Number

    I am trying to use VI to import Sales Orders from a e-Commerce platform but the only customer-unique field that the source file has is the customer's email address. I would like to use those emails as a cross-reference to assign the customer number to…
  • VI General Ledger Journal Entry Import - JournalComment Issues

    Hello Sage 100 Community, I've been tasked with creating an Excel import sheet for Journal Entries. I've used the following layout: Account No. Debit Credit Posting Comment Journal Comment 6570-00 500.00 0.00 Test comment…
  • VI import to JC Trans Detail Cost Type invalid

    New install bringing in JC Trans Detail seems to think all entries are change orders and change orders can only be Cost Type S (subcontractor). Errors on all transactions that are not Cost Type S.
  • Visual Integrator - Update value in CI_Item

    Can Visual Integrator update all the PriceCode values to a specific value (like an SQL Update works)? Example; I want to apply the letter "A" as the PriceCode for all records in the ci_item table. Using visual Integrator, I can export, modify the…

    Is it possible to copy an existing company, then "cherry pick" some modules to remove all previous transactions using re-init. For example, if I wanted to keep the AR customers list only (not transactions or history), the CI_Items table and the employees…
  • Visual Integrator not importing all rows to SO_Invoice

    I'll probably rebuild this process as a BOI but.... this is just so perplexing I'd kind of at least like tug the thread and see where it leads. Environment: Sage 100c 2021 v7.05 I have an ETL process that brings the invoices in from our mobile invoicing…
  • Trying to skip record in VI Import if the field is 0.00

    Running Sage 100 v2016. Have a VI job that imports data that typically contains a numeric value (the field is Quantity) as well as a total unit price. The import file does not have a per unit price but it's needed. In order to get the unit price I added…
  • How to import Sales Forecast by Customer and Item

    We are on Sage 100 Advanced v2022.1 and I don't see anywhere a Sales Forecasting report or option to enter numbers or imported via VI. We have a new Sales Executive and he wants me to import sales forecast numbers, by Customer and Item to produce a…
  • Invoice import through visual integrator not hitting ledger accounts

    I have been trying to import invoices from one vendor through the visual integrator, I can pull up the invoices in vendor maintenance in accounts payable but the transactions are not posted to the ledger accounts. I visited invoice register to post but…
  • VI job does not import Serial Numbers

    I'm going through a process of converting several Standard Cost Parts to Serialized in our system for each of our warehouses. I've adjusted the items out manually using a transaction entry. I've changed the valuation from Standard to Serialized using…
  • VI Ghost “The”

    I have a csv file I am importing into an associated item table from a DSD enhancement. The original file, the csv file, and the data in a text file all have just the item code, ex “2000-Black-S” in the files shows “2000-Black-S The” as trying to import…
  • Sage 100 Standard and Customer Import

    We bought Sage 100 STANDARD and need to import Customer data so that we can create jobs and record time. There is no obvious way to import a CSV of Customer data. The online help says to GO TO CONTACTS. There is no CONTACTS option. Specifically I went…
  • VI Help - Not returning any data

    We are trying to setup a VI export job to bring out 10 fields from the AP_PaymentHistoryWrk table. We do see data in the AP Payment History report which uses this table so I'm not sure why the VI export is blank. The job is setup as follows: …
  • VI Import Not Recognizing All GL Account Numbers

    Trying to upload a budget file. However, when I test the upload I am getting errors where the 3rd segment of a GL account number is being left off and causing the error XXXXX-XX- is not on file. However, other GL accounts are loading just fine. Our…
  • VI Import General Journal Entry

    I'm trying to create a VI Import job to bring in some general journal entries but can't seem to figure out to grab the next Entry No automatically like I can with Batch Numbers and Invoice Numbers. I can't get them to import properly without actually…
  • VI import item descriptions with inch symbol

    I have a need to import new inventory parts that have the inch symbol as part of the description. The file was given to me as an Excel file so when I save it as a csv it puts double quotes in the description. Example: Mating Deck 12" X 1 1/2"" I remember…
  • Export Invoices From Prior Day and Where Sales Order Begins With J

    I need to export invoices that are from yesterday's date and the related Sales Order begins with a J. I am a novice at using Sage Intelligence, but I have some SQL experience. I understand that it's not actually SQL. I'm able to get the below SQL…
  • Cash Receipt Import 2022.2 Premium

    Client just upgraded from 2019 Premium to 2022.2. This Cash Receipt import was working on the prior version. It is basically line for line what I have with another client on 2019 Adv which IS working and same as what I just tested on my Std 2022. I have…
  • VI import Job for AR Invoicing without an Invoice Nbr on input file

    I've been tasked with creating an AR Invoice import job with the input file not having an invoice number. Looking for a way to have a "Run Assign" field that would prompt for the next invoice number to use and then increment that number upon change…
  • VI Export Job: Issue Linking Tables

    I am needing to run an Open Balance Export job that contains specific headers that are located on different tables. The primary table I'm using is the `AR_OpenInvoice`, to which I am attempting to link to the `AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader` table. The problem…
  • You are not authorized to access this program

    We have a client that receives this message when trying to run ANY visual integrator jobs. VI had worked fine in the past. The only new addition has been Scanco Multi-bin. We have tried creating new VI jobs and get the same message. The User has full…
  • VI Import AP Credit Memos

    Have the following source file (CSV) 2 questions: 1 - I want to import the Invoice No and append "-CM". Is this possible? 2 - Importing the lines Distribution Amount from the Credit Column. How do I reverse the sign so it comes in as a negative…
  • Purge specific records from AR Invoice History-VI or SQL?

    Running Sage 100 Premium 2021: need to reduce the size of the AR Invoice History tables. The purge invoice history utility is good as far as it goes, but I need to remove invoices for only one division that creates thousands of repetitive invoices monthly…
  • VI Cash Receipt with only Invoice #

    Client is running Sage 100 v2018 and have asked for a VI import of cash receipts. They scan in information and save it as a csv. However, the information does not include Customer Number...only Invoice Number. Within the Sage 100 Company where the data…