Daily Labor Register Unable to Update (MAS200 version 4.40)

We are trying to update the Daily Labor Register /Update showing below:

but are getting the below error.  The problem is a missing employee number (really have no idea how the employee number is missing, but it is, possibly some sort of system glitch). 

Anyway, there is only one record causing the issue, but we are unable to access it in "Time Tracker Entry", so we can't delete it.  Can someone help please?

Thank you!

  • 0

    If you are just trying to clean up this one record, it can be done in Data File Display and Maintenance.  Key in the file name (or use the folder lookup to find the file for that company) JT_DailyTimeEntry.  Correct the Employee Department and Employee Number, or delete the transaction. 

  • 0 in reply to StefanouM

    Unfortunately JobOps didn't do a very good job of naming files in the old version that we're using, 4.40 Release 2, and there is not a file named JT_DailyTimeEntry.  I've located on named JT_d1xxx.soa, where 'xxx' is the company name.  Could that one possibly be the offending record?  

  • 0 in reply to tneisess

    I missed that you were in a very old v4.40 version; in your subject.  JobOps (Operations Management) did not move to business framework until a later version where normalized table names were adopted.  Unfortunately, I don't have any old versions to confirm the data tables.  You may need to work with our Sage Consutant for assistance.  

  • 0 in reply to tneisess

    I missed that you were in a very old v4.40 version; in your subject.  JobOps (Operations Management) did not move to business framework until a later version where normalized table names were adopted.  Unfortunately, I don't have any old versions to confirm the data tables.  You may need to work with our Sage Consutant for assistance.  

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