Mas90 Crystal Reports

Hi guys I have a client with an old MAS90 server and I set up a new workstation and just directed the icon to the server and it worked but it didn’t install crystal reports. I realized there is a workstation install but it’s asking to put the path to the server and I just want to make sure if I install it on the workstation it’s not going to mess up the server if I direct it to the server, as they have no backup or anything and can’t mess up the server. Any help would be appreciated!

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  • 0 in reply to Christopher May

    Have you searched for older versions of Crystal on this system?  If you cannot find an actual different version of Crystal, then there might be a residual file or registry entry to clear. 

  • 0 in reply to Christopher May

    What version of Sage 100 / MAS90? 

    What have you done so far, and what are you doing when you get the error?

  • 0 in reply to Christopher May

    Used to be able to search for "Error 12, Program: SWCOCX, Line: 130" in the KnowledgeBase and come up with KB# 49833. I don't see it now, and I'm not sure if there is a "translation" function to convert old to new KB numbers.

    Here was some of the old KB:
    " Cause:
    • The user running Workstation Setup may have insufficient permissions
    • Mascr.dll may be missing from ..\Mas90\Home\
    • Mascr.dll has not been properly registered
    • Crystal Reports has incorrectly registered DLLs for use by the computer's system account
    • CRPE32.DLL may be damaged or missing
    " Resolution:
    1. Temporarily add the user to the Domain Administrator group and Log on as that user
    2. Search the local drive for
    CRPE32.dll and rename all occurences of the file
    3. Uninstall and reinstall workstation setup using ..\Mas90\Wksetup\
    ◦ Note: Right-Click on Autorun.exe and select "run as administrator" if available"