We hold a developer’s exchange (DevEx) every couple of weeks where one of our developers volunteers to present to all the other developers in our office. This past week I presented at the DevEx on what all the core DLLs in our Sage 300 runtime folder do. I thought this might be of interest for a wider audience so here are the gory details.
Our marketing supplied architecture diagram is the following which highlights our three tiers and hide a lot of the details of how the object repository, APIs and supporting services are implemented. I’ve blogged previously on our Business Logic Views. In this article I’m going to go into more detail on all the DLLs that provide the framework to support all of this.
Lower Level DLLs
If you are an ISV developing Sage 300 SDK applications or have worked for Sage on the 300 product then you will have had to encounter a number of these DLLs. I’m only looking at a subset of current DLLs, and I’m not looking at all the DLLs that support older technologies that are still present to maintain compatibility with add-ons.
I didn’t add arrows to this diagram since everything pretty well calls everything else below it. But segregated the DLLs a bit by how low or high level they are. So here is a quick synopsis of each one:
A4wcompat.dll: We created this DLL back when we did a native port of the Sage 300 Views for Linux. This DLL isolates operating system differences that need more than some clever #defines. A big part of this is the thread and process synchronization and locking support. Even though we never released the native Linux version, this isolation of operating system dependent parts had made adding multi-threading support, 64 bit support and Unicode support easier.
A4wmem32.dll: In 16 bit Windows, the built in memory management was really slow, so everyone used their own. Now this DLL uses the Windows and C default memory management, but is still important for global memory that needs to be shared across processes. Originally this was done through the data segment of a fixed DLL, but now is done through memory mapped files.
A4wlleng.dll: This is just a language DLL that holds some lower level error messages used by System manager.
A4wsqls.dll: This is the SQL Server database driver (there is also a4worcl.dll for Oracle and a4wbtrv.dll for Pervasive.SQL). This is dynamically loaded based on the type of database you are connecting to. For more on our database support see this article.
Cato3msk.dll, cato3dat.dll: The cato3 DLLs are the old CA common controls. We don’t use these in our UIs anymore, but cato3msk.dll provides our mask processing that is used by the Views. Similarly we don’t use this date control, but do use a routine here to format dates in error messages correctly.
A4wroto.dll: This handles the loading of the various View DLLs as well as the various UIs we’ve used in the past. It loads the roto.dat files and handles loading the right DLLs when View subclassing is going on or stub Views need to be used.
A4wsem.dll: This handles the locking of the semaphor.bin file. It allows processes to lock the company database, an application or the whole site. It also handles application specific cross workstation locking needs.
A4wrv.dll: This is the main DLL API entry point for the Views. It manages all the calling of the Views and handles other tasks like sending the calls for macro recording. For more on our View interfaces see this article.
A4wapi.dll: This is quite a hodge-podge of services for the Views like revision lists, error reporting and such. It also has support routines for the older CA-Realizer UIs. This is quite a big DLL and has most of our C level API in it.
A4wrpt.dll: This is our interface to Crystal Reports, it started as our interface to CA-RET then was converted to Crystal using their CRPE DLL interface, then converted to Crystal’s COM interface and now uses Crystal’s .Net Interface.
A4wprgt.dll: This DLL handles replicating the system database tables into the various company databases when needed.
A4wmtr.dll: This is our meter DLL for long running processes. It can either put up a meter dialog or just report back to the caller, the current status and percent complete. It also provides the API for cancelling long running processes.
Higher Level APIs
The next level are some of the DLLs that make up our Java, COM and .Net interfaces. There is a bit of complexity here due to how our previous web deployed system worked. Here we could communicate back to the server originally using DCOM and then later with .Net Remoting. The .Net Remoting layer provides both the communications layer for this web deployed mode and also acts as our .Net API. Depending on how you create your original session will configure which actual DLLs are used and which are calling conventions are used.
A4wapiShim.dll: This is the C side of our Java JNI layer. It talks to all the lower level DLLs to get its work done.
Sajava.jar: This is the Java side of our Java JNI interface. This allows Java programs to easily call Java classes to interface to our Business Logic Views. For more on this interface see this article.
A4wcomsv.dll: This is the main workhorse for the COM and .Net APIs. It does all the heavy lifting and interfacing to the core DLLs.
Accpac.Advantage.COMSVR.Interop.dll: This just performs the .Net to COM transition which is created by the MS tools.
Accpac.Advantage.Server.dll: Server side of the .Net API, handles the .Net Remoting requests if remotely called or just passes through otherwise.
Accpac.Advantage.Types.dll: Defines all the various types we use in our .Net API.
Accpac.Advantage.dll: This is the main external interface for our .Net API. For more on our .Net API see the series of articles starting with this one.
A4wcomexps.dll: Used when the VB UIs are going to talk .Net Remoting, this DLL is inside
A4wcomex.dll: The main entry point for the COM API.
Many More DLLs
There are many more DLLs in the Sage 300 runtime, but most of the others are for obsolete APIs like the xapi, the older a4wcom COM API, the cmd API, the icmd API, etc. There are other important ones like to do with Database Setup, but these are the main ones used when you talk to the Business Logic through one of the main popular APIs.
For anyone interested this should give you a good idea of what the main DLLs in the runtime folder do. And give you an idea of how the various services in Sage 300 ERP are layered.