What's new in Sage 300 US Payroll 8.0C Hotfix D-46226
This resolves the issue where customers are unable to update Aatrix forms in Sage 300 US Payroll 8.0C.
Download and install this update
Important: If you use third-party products that integrate with your Sage 300 product, check with the vendor of your third-party product to ensure their product is fully compatible with this release. If you integrate with other Sage products, check with your business partner or Sage to ensure that these components are compatible.
1. Click link to download and install the update:
Download Sage 300 US Payroll 8.0C Hotfix D-46226: Unable to Update Aatrix Forms
2. If you are prompted to log in, enter your Customer Portal Username and Password, and then click Log in.
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