Is Sage 300 v 2021 compatible with Office 365 32bit suite ?


Is Sage 300 v2021 compatible with Office 365 32bit suite ? If so why is Sage not addressing it in the compatibility guide for v2021 or any other of their previous guides ? I have been able to use Office 365 suite 32bit with Sage 300 versions as far back as with v2012 with no issues. Its now 2021 and l am just surprised why there is no formal communication addressing this difference but they only say its compatible with v2019.

My understanding is that the difference between Office 365 and Office 2019 is the following;

1.  Payment model ; you subscribe for Office 365  and with Office 2019 its a once off payment 

2. Updates; with Office 365 you get all new latest updates and with Office 2019 when there is a new version you will have to buy it at a new price again.