Cannot Import Users from Accpac old version to a new server with newest version


Hi everyone,

Im trying to import Users from old version (Sage ERP 2012) to Sage 300 2022 but I cant, an error : Your password must contain bith letters and numbers, and cannot include special characters!!!


But when exporting that users data from old version I dont have that field. And when importing I want to set a default value but dont allows me. I need to create manually those users. I export Users data and dont allows also that password. So is there a workarount to this?

Also I saw there is a USERS.ism and users2.ism at same time we enter manually a user. Is there that password? Because if I export user data and import again changing for example Language I can now but I enter that password manually when adding user. But If I try to import directly from export from old server. I cat, so where is that passworg stored? So I copy probably from old server so dont to enter data manually again!!!

Thank you very much

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