Invalid Database Specification

I see this posted all over the place but nothing I have tried has fixed my problem.

I have a new VM with Server 2022 with Sage 6.0A installed. I have the database configured and I can login to Sage. The issue is that I can't post new orders. I can do everything until I post, i.e. find customers, items, etc. When I try to post an order, I get an Invalid database specification error. I can make changes to existing orders.

The following file is the output of DBSpy. There is a BAD_DATABASE_SPEC on line 370

invalid spec.log

  • Hi Rob, I hate to say anything different to  but with version 6.0 I've always used SQL Native Client v9 (SQL 2005) which is installed with Sage Accpac ERP 6.0A workstation setup.  Jay probably knows something I don't but I could suggest you try it if you're still stuck.  Please see section 3-11 onwards of Sage ERP Accpac 6.0A - Installation and System Administrator's Guide (thanks Acute Data) for the instructions from Sage on how to set these ODBC connections up if you're having trouble.  You only need a single ODBC connection for all databases in Sage 300, and use the Server option not Data Source.  For clients like fund managers and construction that have 20, 30 or 50 databases, doing individual ODBC connections for each one would be a nightmare.  Providing you have the correct ODBC driver for your version of Sage 300, if you launch Database Setup as ADMIN, double-click on a database and click OK, it will generate and configure the ODBC connection for you, even in version 6.0A.  You shouldn't need to touch or manage the ODBC connection, providing you launch Database Setup with elevated rights. Thumbsup

  • 0 in reply to Accsys Consulting AU

    The issue isn't that Sage can't connect to the database. The issue is that I can add anything related to thing in the OE module, orders, shipments, etc. If an order or shipment already exists, I can modify it.

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