Changing decimal places back and forth?

If the decimal places in a currency in Common Services > Currency Codes > was changed from 2 decimals to 3 decimals. Can this be reversed back to 2 decimals? If so, what are the options/procedures?

  • You should not change the decimals back and forth. Data posted/calculated with 3 decimals will not revert back to two decimals when number of decimals is changed back to 2. With currency set to two decimals, any data with 3 decimals will cause errors. Invoices in AP/AR will not go to zero because of the fractions. The GL Trial Balance will be off by pennies. We can reset the decimals to two as a service. 

  • You should not change the decimals back and forth. Data posted/calculated with 3 decimals will not revert back to two decimals when number of decimals is changed back to 2. With currency set to two decimals, any data with 3 decimals will cause errors. Invoices in AP/AR will not go to zero because of the fractions. The GL Trial Balance will be off by pennies. We can reset the decimals to two as a service. 
