Are you able to merge suppliers in AP? I have two set up with the same company details

Want to know if able to merge the transactions in two separate suppliers and make them one supplier only?


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  • 0 in reply to DCrampton

    Thx so much. It appears we do not have an updated version, hence we don't have the Vendor Number Change option.  Wild!

  • 0 in reply to NFolk

    Hi  you probably do have it, its just not always visible - please try the following:

    1. Login as ADMIN and see if the module is there.  If you still can't see it open Administrative Services -> Data Activation and see if its available to tick on.
    2. On your Sage 300 server try running the installer, select Modify and tick on Vendor Number Change, Customer Number Change, Account Code Change and repeat step 1.
    3. If you have an older version, the Number Change options were a separate install on the Main CD - look for "Additional Components" or something to that effect, or search the CD for executables/folders beginning SP*, SR*, SG*.
    4. If you have a version older than 5.3A then maybe you don't have it as at some point it was an optional purchase, but we're talking about almost 20 years ago by this point.

    Good luck!...Tim