AR Receipt for wrong amount

An AR receipt was entered for $2,353.12 on 3/14/2024. There was a mix up and we were credited $2,406.60. So I made Misc Receipt for the difference of $53.48. On 04/18/2024 the Receipt was made for $2,473.45 and we were credited $2,419.97. Difference of $53.48. What is the proper way to get the $53.48 out of AR?

  • Hi  what were the original invoice amounts for these transactions and what is the reason for the differences?  For example on 3/14, did the customer overpay accidentally or was the original invoice (revenue+tax) meant to be $2,406.60?  Entering a Misc Receipt also books revenue+tax so if you just meant to leave the difference on the customer's account to use against a future invoice, this won't work as you're increasing revenue+tax.

    For the 04/18 transaction, what was the reason for the customer paying less than you expected - why was a receipt entered for more than was actually received?  Was it a data entry error, a discount, spoiled stock, unexpected bank fee?  If its a fee you can reconcile it as a bank fee in the Bank Reconciliation.  If its a reduction in revenue+tax due to bad stock or a discount you could (I think) enter an adjustment entry and then a refund - might wait for someone to confirm, been so long since I've looked at this.

    When handling these transactions its really important to to be clear about whether these are just payment mistakes where a credit balance, refund or additional payment is required, or whether an adjustment to increase original invoice is required to match the receipt.  Receipts and Misc Receipts cannot be used interchangeably to fix balances as Misc Receipts affect revenue and cash at bank/debtors whereas Receipts only affect cash at bank/debtors.

    Try to break it down into dot points or maybe someone else will understand what's happened better than me BlushThumbsup

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    Hello April, 

    At this point, I believe you have a remaing CR balance of 53.48 for this customer with no invoices to apply it against.. so the only way to remove the remaining balance is to enter an AR Adjustment Batch.

    when you select the Credit note, if there is a remaining balance (which in you case there is) it will show here

    You then go to the Detail section. if you want to adjust a particular line on the CN you can do so by selecing the line.. otherwise you can go directly to the GL Account section and select a write-off or expense and enter a Debit Amount to reduce the credit balance. 

