AR Receipt for wrong amount

An AR receipt was entered for $2,353.12 on 3/14/2024. There was a mix up and we were credited $2,406.60. So I made Misc Receipt for the difference of $53.48. On 04/18/2024 the Receipt was made for $2,473.45 and we were credited $2,419.97. Difference of $53.48. What is the proper way to get the $53.48 out of AR?

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    Hello April, 

    At this point, I believe you have a remaing CR balance of 53.48 for this customer with no invoices to apply it against.. so the only way to remove the remaining balance is to enter an AR Adjustment Batch.

    when you select the Credit note, if there is a remaining balance (which in you case there is) it will show here

    You then go to the Detail section. if you want to adjust a particular line on the CN you can do so by selecing the line.. otherwise you can go directly to the GL Account section and select a write-off or expense and enter a Debit Amount to reduce the credit balance. 



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