Here are instructions on doing a tax only credit in AP and AR:
Here are instructions on doing a tax only credit in AP and AR:
Hi Ettienne,
Old post but trying to figure out how to do a credit note for taxes only, can't seem to get it to work. Can't find anything in the documentation and the links you provided above don't seem to work any more. Would you be able to share the steps here?
Thank you,
Go to Taxes tab and Set the "Tax Amount" to "Enter" so that the system does not calculate tax.
Enter Tax Amount for the tax authority.
Go to Document tab and enter document total.
Enter detail line with no Amount.
Use Account/Tax button to enter tax amount for the line just created.
Hello Terry,
I should have mentioned that this is for an AR credit for taxes only, but, with your description I figured it out. What I was missing was the zero $ detail line, I had done that but was forgetting that a GL account is still needed in the detail.
Thanks for your help.
Hello Terry,
I should have mentioned that this is for an AR credit for taxes only, but, with your description I figured it out. What I was missing was the zero $ detail line, I had done that but was forgetting that a GL account is still needed in the detail.
Thanks for your help.
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City