Unable to upgrade to SAGE 300 2024 Advance


Hi All,

I am trying to upgrade one of my Client to Sage 300 2024 Advance version. When i try to upgrade, i get the following error: "You cannot upgrade because some of the features you currently use are not available in the Sage 300 Advanced. Oldest Year of Transaction Detail.  Contact your Certified Consultant for the correct product to upgrade your General Ledger data.Source:  09:12:33 - General Ledger 7.1A".

Support advised us to set "Number of Years of History" to 7. This was already the case when i referred as shown below:

We are still unable to upgrade the company file to Sage 300 2024 Advance.

Has anyone else faced similar issues?

Is there a way to fix this without upgrading from Advance version to Premium?

  • verified answer

    Hi  I've done this a few times and its normal to encounter several incompatibilities starting with this one.  You will need to:

    • Get all users out and run SQL and DB dump backups (as per  advice).
      In Microsoft SQL:
    • Delete from GLAFS (fiscal sets) where FSCSYR <= 7 years from the current fiscal year.  This is to ensure the remaining fiscal sets are no more than seven years older than the current fiscal year.
    • Update GL01.YRNOPSTPR (oldest year of Transaction Detail) to a year >= 7 years from the current fiscal year.
    • Update GL01.YRLSTACTL (oldest year of Fiscal Sets) to a year >= 7 years from the current fiscal year.

    Once this is done and attempt to activate the data in the new version of Sage 300, you may run into another incompatibility, resolve that then run into another etc etc.  If you need help with with anything else just post back.

    Good luck!...Tim.

  • Hi Tim,

    Thank you for your response.

    I have carried out the below 2 steps:

    • Get all users out and run SQL and DB dump backups (as per  advice).
      In Microsoft SQL: - Done
    • Delete from GLAFS (fiscal sets) where FSCSYR <= 7 years from the current fiscal year.  This is to ensure the remaining fiscal sets are no more than seven years older than the current fiscal year. - Done

    However, I am a little confused on these 2 steps:

    • Update GL01.YRNOPSTPR (oldest year of Transaction Detail) to a year >= 7 years from the current fiscal year.
    • Update GL01.YRLSTACTL (oldest year of Fiscal Sets) to a year >= 7 years from the current fiscal year.

    Will you be able to advise where i can find GL01.YRNOPSTPR & GL01.YRLSTACTL and how do i update them.



  • +1 in reply to Dhiraj Kumar
    verified answer


    Will you be able to advise where i can find GL01.YRNOPSTPR & GL01.YRLSTACTL and how do i update them.

    These are columns in table GL01 in the SQL company database.  If you're not familiar with working with SQL databases I highly recommend you engage your Sage 300 business partner or consultant.  Good luck!

  • Hi Tim,

    Thank you for your assistance on this. We have taken the above steps and successfully managed to upgrade the DB. So far we have not encountered any further errors or issues.

    I will post here shall i face any other issues.



  • Nice one  thanks for letting us know.  Hope it all keeps running well!

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