Sage 300 Webscreen Issue

Hi All,

We have a client that is currently on Sage 300 2024 version. They also use the Web Screens for Sage 300. Recently they encountered the below issue while trying to log in to Web Screens:

The client was able to log in to Sage 300 Desktop version successfully, however, the issue was only faced on the Web screens. The client has 3 servers (App, DB and IIS Server). I restarted the IIS server and it started working fine and the client was able to log in to Web Screen.

However, i know that restarting the server is only a temporary fix and i am assuming that i will again encounter the same issue in the near future. Has anyone encountered the same issue? if yes, what were some of the steps you took to diagnose the issue or to solve the issue?

Hoping for some favorable response.

  • Hi  I would expect this error if a product update or similar was installed, or that the Portal Database needed re-generating under Database Setup however you mention the issue is resolved temporarily by restarting the IIS Web Server.  I'm not sure what the answer is here because I didn't know and never tried to run the IIS Web Screens on a different server then the App server.  I actually didn't realise this was possible though I guess you just perform the server install twice pointing Shared Data and Programs at the App Server.

    Anyway how long does it take the error to occur - is it after 20 minutes of idle time?  Under the AppPool settings you could try changing the Idle time-out from 20 minutes to 10 hours or similar.  Alternatively check to see if the recycling settings are recycling the app during the day.  Those are the only two things I can think of right now.  I would definitely recommend engaging your Sage 300 Business Partner or open a ticket with Sage Support for this one.  Good luck and keep us updated.

  • 0 in reply to Tim - Accsys Consulting

    In that 3 system setup, I generally install the full programs on the web server and have shared point to a UNC path. I wonder if they are having network issues where the web server is dropping connections to the App server containing full prog files?

  • 0 in reply to SergeB

    Hi  it could be, I guess one thing to check is that the Sage.CNA.WindowService service is only running on the web server, otherwise it could be locking up key files on the app server.  I'm really interested in this setup - I gather its reliable once setup and running?

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