Getting "Error opening TaxTable when running 1099 from wizard in sage 300 2024 pu5

I'm getting this error when running the 1099 processing from AP. It links to AATRIX ok, but 

I have done the update, and have a valid account with AATRIX. We do not use Payroll, but bought a 1-5 employee package just in case. 

Any ideas

  • 0

    It gets into the AATRIX program itself, does not ask for the update since the AAtRIX update has already been installed, but it gets this error. 

  • 0 in reply to Peter.Heinicke

    Hi Peter, 

    Can you browse to the TaxFiling folder where your Sage 300 Program Files are installed and run "ERRORREPORT.exe" as Administrator and then click Fix Update? 



  • 0 in reply to DCrampton

    Yes, I ran that and got "Internet error" which prompted me to manually download and run the update I mentioned originally. I was able to fix it on a workstation by removing AATRIX using the setup installer, reinstalling it, and then finding where the installer put the executables. It put them on the C drive in a directory under program files\AATRIX. The contents were identical to the sage300\taxfiling directory except for the dates and sizes. I copied that folder over the server folder and was then able to run 1099-Misc trial run successfully. I read some other Sage Community Hub AATRIX posts, which is where I got the idea to copy it over.