Item number change slow


After upgrading to 2022 Sage 300 item number change is sunning extremely slow. Changing one item number was taking 2-3 hours in 2019 and now it would take close to 20 hours. Item valuation is taking forever, my guess is close to 18 hours. Hardware is not an issue since I am running change on 40 cores server and SQL has 60 GB memory.

Any fix for this or just moving to a newer version?

  • +1
    verified answer

    You need to stop the new Sage Advisor that is running in the background, it makes a huge difference as in 5 minutes turned into 3 hours for a simple account code change.

    You will see on your server Sage 300 advisor environment updater and that it's clogging up your server.

    Look up KB 110298  and follow it to the letter, make sure it's stopped right down to the lowest levels on the file structure.

    I have found this speeds up a lot of other things too.

  • +1
    verified answer

    You need to stop the new Sage Advisor that is running in the background, it makes a huge difference as in 5 minutes turned into 3 hours for a simple account code change.

    You will see on your server Sage 300 advisor environment updater and that it's clogging up your server.

    Look up KB 110298  and follow it to the letter, make sure it's stopped right down to the lowest levels on the file structure.

    I have found this speeds up a lot of other things too.
